Practice care
the way you
know is right.

Advanced Practitioners and Healthcare Practitioners will find a job with Wellpath both challenging and rewarding. As a Practitioner with Wellpath you have the opportunity to diagnose and treat with more freedom, and your only focus is patient care.


Many of our jobs are located in corrections facilities and our practitioners know that a career with Wellpath means they're going to care for patients who appreciate their efforts. Our patients are viewed as just that: patients. Their needs vary from diagnosis of the common cold to chronic illness management and more. As a practitioner you will work with a team of dedicated professionals who are focused on the needs of our patients and on supporting each other.

Gain guidance from experienced professionals

Wellpath Practitioners are guided by experienced Medical Directors from the site level up to the executive level. When they need feedback, advice or access to professional development, they can turn to these responsive levels of support.

Earn benefits you won't find in traditional health care

As a physician, dentist, psychiatrist or advanced practitioner with Wellpath you will enjoy flexible schedules and competitive pay. We also cover malpractice insurance.


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